The Intuitive Reasonings of Jessica

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Boycott A&F!

Most of you, my dear readers (the female ones, anyway) are probably well aware that the clothing conglomerate Abercrombie and Fitch is racist, prejudiced, and bigoted. They only hire non-ugly, non-overweight, white people who look roughly between the ages of 18 and 24. Disabled persons do not fit the mold. Neither do Goths. People of non-American ethnic origin are overlooked. Persons with shaved heads due to cancer are ignored. Only young, physically fit, white, “pretty” men and women are chosen.

I am bringing this serious issue to your attention because today, as I was sitting under a tree with a friend from my art class, two A & F “employment recruiters” approached me and had the audacity to offer me employment while blatantly ignoring my friend. She has thick black hair and is quite pretty. However, she did not fit the “beautiful All-American” mold.

If you were previously unaware of this somber issue, it is not too late. Donate all your A&F clothing to Goodwill, and vow to never again purchase anything from the reprehensible corporation. If you were already conscious of this appalling truth and have never bought anything from Abercrombie and Fitch, I solemnly commend you.
Jessica 4:51 PM


My dear sister, I support you 100% and commend your admirable attempt to bring this issue to light.
Sister of the girlfriend of my friend . . .

A&F sucks. I know it's been said before, but they basicly advertise clothing by showing a bunch of pictures of young people without any.

Let's burn all Abercrombie and Fitch outlets to the ground.
a&f did have one black guy on their pic set
After Kara read this post and discussed it with me, I realized that I might have been unclear on one point. These are ordinary cashiers I am talking about, not models. I have no problem with companies only hiring pretty clothing models; after all, they need someone who will make the clothes look good in order to make sales. Stretching this image to the cashiers as well is what bothers me.

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