Monday, January 08, 2007
Back to School
This morning I got up bright and early for my first class of the semester--a 7:30 English Composition class (ENGL 106). My TA is a literature major. He began talking about how much he digs literature, and then expressed a desire to find out what kind of literature his students enjoy. He passed around notecards and asked us to write down our names and our favorite authors. I wrote "Nathan Alberson". I wonder what he will find if he tries to google my favorite author.
Jessica 6:10 PM
Oddly enough, he'll find Nathan's Blogger User Profile right away, and six hits down he'll find one of the best poems ever. I hope he does Google Nathan. On one of my get to know you cards today I wrote about purple houses.
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And the second one is a record of the marriage of a Nathan Alberson in New Jersey...perhaps he is living a double life we know nothing of?