Tuesday, January 30, 2007
my boring day and SOME EXCITING ART!!!
I was recently conversing with a roommate about blogs. She shared her opinion of mine, which was that it needed updating in a form other than a post about art. To please my dear roommate, I shall bore you dear readers with an account of my day before sharing a visual treat I recently discovered.
I woke up. I took a shower. I studies for a history test. I whined about how much I hate history to my sister (while we ate breakfast), and shared my supposition, which is that art students should not have to take tests. After all, we are expected to have a great ability to draw, paint, sculpt, etc., not to be great intellectuals who somehow manage to remember useless facts about Soninke people who lived 700 years ago and have no pertinence to my life. I don't believe they even had any memorable effect on art, or else my professor would no doubt have told us all about it and shown us slides of their work.
Anyway, back to our story: I finished breakfast. I studied some more. I borrowed a pair of my sister's socks since I have not yet done laundry this month. Now, some of you might consider borrowing without asking to be stealing; however, I fully intend to replace them before she notices their absence and I even plan to wash them.
Then, I went to the math building and took a very unenjoyable test. I did not enjoy the unenjoyable test. Then I came home and decided to update my blog.
Well, that was a rather dull day. I'll give you some highlights of yesterday as well:
The very best part of yesterday was my A&D 106 class. That class is the most fun class I have ever taken. It is exactly the way classes should be: lots of art projects and no tests.
The second best part of yesterday was making dinner. Pealing potatoes and listening to REM is quite enjoyable. I should do it more often. Unfortunately, when I opened the oven to put the meatloaf in, the handle came off of the oven door. That was quite unfortunate. I instant messaged my sister's boyfriend to ask him to come and put it back on; however, he thought that I was my sister. That is most likely because of one or more of these facts:
a) I called him "sweetie"
b) I was using my sister's screen name
c) I asked him if he wanted to walk to school with me the next day and hold hands
d) I asked him if he wanted to sit in on my interior design lecture (I believe he is aware that Sara is the only one of us who is taking interior design)
Well well, enough of my boring life. I shall now excite you dear readers with the visual treat I promised earlier. It is called "Three Musicians" and is by none other than Pablo Picasso himself. Enjoy!

Jessica 10:15 AM
It was time for an update.
If I studied psychology, I would be tempted to analyze your odd compulsion to pretend to be someone else...
If I studied psychology, I would be tempted to analyze your odd compulsion to pretend to be someone else...
but he totally should have been able to tell it was me. i've even given him tips, such as Sara spells the second person singular personal pronoun "you" whereas I spell it "u" on AIM. and also, Sara doesn't like to waste time walking to class when biking is so much faster, so my invitation to walk to class together while holding hands should have totally given it away.
You borrowed my socks?! I probably never would have noticed their absence if it weren't for your handy little blog...in fact, I still don't notice their absence because I can't figure out what pair is missing.
Check out this Roy Litchenstein. It reminds me of Picasso. I am going to print out some of his work to put on our walls. (Lichtenstein, not Picasso). Remind me.
Please don't let the masses assume my boyfriend is as dense as he is in your portrayal here, because he usually is not this clueless. And he's fixing the oven for you, so I'd be careful if I were you.
Check out this Roy Litchenstein. It reminds me of Picasso. I am going to print out some of his work to put on our walls. (Lichtenstein, not Picasso). Remind me.
Please don't let the masses assume my boyfriend is as dense as he is in your portrayal here, because he usually is not this clueless. And he's fixing the oven for you, so I'd be careful if I were you.
Borrowing Sara's socks wouldn't be so hysterical if people didn't know that you were imatientely waiting for her to leave so you could steal them and worrying that she wouldn't leave for class before you.
I already sort of fixed the oven. I mean, I screwed the handle back on, but there was a piece missing so it's kind of crooked.
And the Soninke people definitely matter to art, because they controlled the gold trade in West Africa in the 1300s. Gold was then turned into jewelry, which is definitely an art form, and a lot of that gold was melted down and turned into more art, which was turned into more art, which was turned into wedding rings. Or something like that.
Come home and have dinner. I'm making chicken stir fry and it's going to be delicious.
, at I already sort of fixed the oven. I mean, I screwed the handle back on, but there was a piece missing so it's kind of crooked.
And the Soninke people definitely matter to art, because they controlled the gold trade in West Africa in the 1300s. Gold was then turned into jewelry, which is definitely an art form, and a lot of that gold was melted down and turned into more art, which was turned into more art, which was turned into wedding rings. Or something like that.
Come home and have dinner. I'm making chicken stir fry and it's going to be delicious.
Sara, that's GORGEOUS! we'll definately have to put that up on our walls. Did you mean our room, or will Kara be ok with spicing up our kitchen and living room a little bit?
Kara, if the piece you're missing is the black cylinder, it's on the counter next to the oven (unless it fell off, in which case it's probably under the stove).
and I am coming home for dinner. soon. but I missed the bus, so I won't be home till 6:03. But I always miss the bus, so I'm sure you're used to it by now.
And I don't really like gold jewelry, even if it is art. I like silver jewelry.
Kara, if the piece you're missing is the black cylinder, it's on the counter next to the oven (unless it fell off, in which case it's probably under the stove).
and I am coming home for dinner. soon. but I missed the bus, so I won't be home till 6:03. But I always miss the bus, so I'm sure you're used to it by now.
And I don't really like gold jewelry, even if it is art. I like silver jewelry.
I like white gold. That doesn't tarnish. And since it comes from mixing gold and palladium (I love Wikipedia) the Soninke people still matter.
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