The Intuitive Reasonings of Jessica

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Today, I was slightly naughty

When I got out of Spanish class this afternoon at 2:15, I was met by warm, happy sunshine. "What a perfect day to go to the Fort!" thought I. But alas, I had art class from 2:30 to 5:30, so my hopes were dashed. Somewhat dejectedly, I made my way to the Forestry Products Building and climbed the stairs to the art studio.

As class began, my professor announced that he had forgotten to bring slides today, so we would just have a work day. This was very disappointing to me because I had not brought my current project to class. All the sorority girls raised their hands simultaneously and asked in unison, "can we work outside today?" The professor obliged, and they all grabbed their art pads and boxes of colored pencils or pastels and skipped outside happily.

Left in the room were two girls, two guys, myself, and the professor. I considered doing some work in my sketchbook. After flipping through it once or twice and feeling very uninspired by the dull studio, I asked the professor when he would like us back inside if we worked out of doors. "Five," he replied. I looked at the clock. It was only 3:00. I smiled and walked out of the studio.

Very soon, I was biking away from campus on State Street. The Lafayette air began to be camouflaged by the sweet smells of flowers, fresh air, and cow manure, and the scenery of brick buildings gave way to corn fields and wild flowers. Several miles on the beautiful country road finally led me to the Fort. Once my bike was locked securely to a tree, I was wading in the icy cold Wabash with muddy feet. The river was so beautiful in the warm sunshine even though it was as brown as ever.

This is the first time that I have skipped class for an unnoble reason, but every minute was worth it.
Jessica 5:14 PM


You lead such an exciting life, my dear...

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