The Intuitive Reasonings of Jessica

Sunday, June 24, 2007

My Exciting Weekend

took off with a bang when Mia picked me up at approximately 3:45 on Friday afternoon. The excitement heightened about an hour later when we pulled to the side of the road just outside of Bloomington to switch drivers. The next five miles were immensely enjoyable. The excitement continued to escalate as we arrived at our destination--the Wegener home. Three adorable children were playing outside upon our arrival, but several more spilled out of the house as our presence was announced by almost-nine-year-old Faith. The rest of the day was a blur of exciting adventures, beginning with a tour of Kara's beautiful yurt

and ending with Uncle David's exciting 50th birthday party.

The following day we awoke to the delectable scent of pancakes--a sure sign that it would indeed be an exciting day. And exciting it was! The first adventure of the day was driving Kris to the church office in Kara's beautiful car
so we could see her and Mr. Hobbs (and a bunch of people I didn't know) off on an exciting high school youth group mission trip to Mississippi. Next, we went to an exciting hardware store to buy rabbit food. Much to our elation, the store gave out free popcorn! Next, we purchased a rabbit, which we promptly brought home to surprise Faith, who was quite stoked by the furry birthday gift. Her stokedness continued into the evening, when she was presented with an ice cream cake and more presents. We also played an exciting game of pin the tail on the bunny using cotton balls and a sketch I had drawn of Faith's rabbit.

Sunday also proved to be a day full of excitement. It began with a trip to CGS, where Pastor Stephen Baker preached a thought-provoking sermon on "Salvation from God's Perspective". Following the service, I came to realize that my beloved phone was still in Kara's room. It remains there till this day, and likely will continue to reside there until Saturday (when Kara is coming to visit me :-D) so if any of you dear readers wish to call me this week, please kindly use my land line number.

Well, back to my exciting weekend: Directly after church, we paid a visit to Ben and Kyla's immaculate home. From there we traveled to Kyla's parents' beautiful home, where we enjoyed a delightful pitch-in cook out all afternoon. The final adventure of the day took place in a parking lot, where I discovered that driving a stick is quite difficult. Shortly thereafter, the adventure was over and I found myself back in the city where not only can one see one's neighbors' houses from one's bedroom window, but one can also see right into the neighbors' bedrooms since the houses are only a few feet away. How sad.

Oh, well, next weekend shall be another grand adventure! Stay tuned, my dear readers!

Jessica 9:33 PM


You got your permit?!!! Freakin awesome sis!

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