Thursday, February 28, 2008
Graffiti on a Box
In a stairwell in Stanley Coulter Hall, there is a cardboard box. On it is taped a piece of paper. On the paper is printed, "This is a doorstop. Please do not remove." However, someone apparently felt the need to clarify the statement, and wrote in large letters with a Sharpie, "a box being used as", so the paper reads "This is a box being used as a doorstop. Please do not remove." Another benevolent soul further clarified the statement for us dense Purdue students, making the paper read, "This is a sign indicating a box being used as a doorstop. Please do not remove." The final modification on the paper is scrawled in pencil, "These are the words on a sign indicating a box being used as a doorstop. Please do not remove." If the box ever gets removed now, its owner can be assured that it is probably not due to lack of clarity.
Jessica 4:36 PM