Wednesday, November 12, 2008
CYA WC 2009 T-shirt!
For the past few weeks I have been working on a design for the 2009 Winter Conference shirt. This is what I have so far, though it might change. If any of you have any brilliant suggestions for improvement, please let me know!
This is also your chance to weigh in on the color. You can vote for your favorite color (not restricted to the colors shown) by commenting on this post. Please only vote once, and please sign your name on your comment if you do not have a Blogger profile. Also, if you think that there is less than a 50% chance that you will purchase a T-shirt, please refrain from voting.
Here are my color ideas:
Brown is nice and neutral:

Dark red might be too reminiscent of the Geneva shirts that everyone has:
Going green is pretty popular these days:
This is also your chance to weigh in on the color. You can vote for your favorite color (not restricted to the colors shown) by commenting on this post. Please only vote once, and please sign your name on your comment if you do not have a Blogger profile. Also, if you think that there is less than a 50% chance that you will purchase a T-shirt, please refrain from voting.
Here are my color ideas:
Brown is nice and neutral:

Dark red might be too reminiscent of the Geneva shirts that everyone has:

Here's a brighter green:
Gray might be too boring for some people:
Navy is nice, but we've already done blue:
Cerulean is pretty spiffy too, but like I said...:
Jessica 11:53 PM
I think I like the darker green. I have to admit though, that cerulean doesn't look half bad with the ice theme.
from: your sister :D
from: your sister :D
I like the dark green. Brown is good too though.
, at
I gotta go with the brown, but the dark green is a close second.
hey! i LOVE the bright green, but brown is good too. awesome design, Jess!
, at
I'm partial to dark colors, so dark red is my choice.
, at
Bright Green! Brown is second choice. -Dan
I like the bright green. I like the cerulean too, but maybe that's kind of feminine?
dark green
Dark Green
Bright Green or Gray
, at
, at
I really like the bright green! :)
dark green...
I like the dark green the best.
i never got a geneva shirt, so i like the dark red. sweet design!
Bright green :)
Hmm, lots of good choices... I think the dark green and the gray look kind of drab, but the rest of the colors are fine.
PS. please don't take the nickname seriously-- it's just that I know I'm not the only Daniel
, at Daniel
PS. please don't take the nickname seriously-- it's just that I know I'm not the only Daniel
bright green or gray
Bright green or anything but the navy.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bright Green
- Emily
- Emily
Can I vote even though I'm not a PU student? don't have to count my vote, but I'm partial to the cerulean. But I like the brown too.
, at don't have to count my vote, but I'm partial to the cerulean. But I like the brown too.
Jess! You rock my world!
And yes, I am attracted to the dark green too...
And yes, I am attracted to the dark green too...
The only restriction to voting is that you have to be at least 50% sure that you will purchase a T-shirt. Shirts are not included in the price for Winter Conference this year, but we are going to try to make them as affordable as possible :-).
Dark green.
Second Choice would be the red
, at Second Choice would be the red
Either of the greens partial to the dark, because the light green is too pale.
P.S. I have a blogger profile.
, at P.S. I have a blogger profile.
But you're not using it, so it doesn't count. I just said that because I want to know who everyone is so I know that no one is voting twice (not that any good litle WC attendees would cheat....I hope).
Three questions: How much the shirt will cost? Will there be anything printed on the back of the shirt? Are the letters on the design melting due to global warming? :)
, at
The shirt will be as cheap as possible. I'm guessing around $7, but we haven't gotten an estimate yet. There will be a Bible verse on the back, but which one has not yet been determined. The letters are not melting because Bamse has migrated to the middle of his North Pole iceberg, where temperatures reach -20 degrees on a warm day.
Personally, I would have liked to see some other choices, like cornflower blue, dark golden rod, salmon, chartreuse, firebrick red, or just white. But, given the options I would have to go with dark red. Navy and dark green are sufficient, though.
Dear Jason,
You may have noticed that I said your vote was not restricted to the choices shown. There is a write-in option similar to on the ballot for the election of the president of the United States. However, I believe you missed that election, so perhaps this is not the best example. Nonetheless, if you would like to alter your vote you are more than welcome to do so. If you would like me to make a digital image of any of your color choices, I am quite willing to do so. However, I believe that you should have no trouble creating an image of your color choice white on your own.
You may have noticed that I said your vote was not restricted to the choices shown. There is a write-in option similar to on the ballot for the election of the president of the United States. However, I believe you missed that election, so perhaps this is not the best example. Nonetheless, if you would like to alter your vote you are more than welcome to do so. If you would like me to make a digital image of any of your color choices, I am quite willing to do so. However, I believe that you should have no trouble creating an image of your color choice white on your own.
, at
I like the dark red and the cerulean and the bright green the best. But brown is good too. lol. I guess I voted for four. Definitely no more Navy! Gray is boring, and the darker green....I dunno.
Pretty much like brown :D
yeah... this is not candace... but I'm on her computer...
i still vote brown
i still vote brown
I did a count. Here's what we have so far:
bright green-9,
dark green-8,
dark red-3,
(By the way, for anyone who voted twice, or listed preferences, I just took your first vote.)
bright green-9,
dark green-8,
dark red-3,
(By the way, for anyone who voted twice, or listed preferences, I just took your first vote.)
oh, I don't care if people vote for more than one color, as long as they only vote one time. My count is
brown 8
dark red 6
olive green 8
My Man Mitch green 11
gray 3
navy 1
cerulean 7
brown 8
dark red 6
olive green 8
My Man Mitch green 11
gray 3
navy 1
cerulean 7