The Intuitive Reasonings of Jessica

Saturday, January 03, 2009


happen because they’re right. Last semester I had a class called “Multiculturalism in the classroom,” and we basically spent the whole semester learning about how stereotypes are wrong and we should ignore them. I fully agree that when you meet someone, you should try to get to know them as an individual and not assume that they’re here illegally because they’re Mexican, or that they like fried chicken because they’re black, or that they’re bad at math because they’re a girl. Everyone knows someone in each category who breaks the mold. Nonetheless, these stereotypes happen because they are more often right than wrong.

Last semester, I was in the DLC working on a class project. I ran into some issues, and looked to the help desk. Noticing only a female lab assistant, I decided to wait until someone else was available to solve my problem. Suddenly I thought of my TA for “Multiculturalism in the classroom.” He would be disappointed in me for assuming that this girl was incompetent simply because she was a girl. I got up and went to the desk and told her what issues I had run into. She called one of the boys in the back to help me, and he solved my problem quickly and skillfully. I remembered why I had stereotyped the girl in the first place. Every other time that I had asked a girl for help in the DLC, she had also asked a boy to solve my problems. My stereotype only existed because it was an accurate portrayal of all of my previous experiences with female lab assistants.

Another stereotype that exists is that girls are not good at chess. Every time I play chess with a girl, I (sometimes consciously, sometimes subconsciously) think to myself that it will be an easy win because my opponent is a girl. However, this is a stereotype that I do not like. I know it’s true almost all the time, but I try to break it. To make up for all the other girls out there, I want to be the best. If all the other girls out there are worse than boys, it’ll be alright as long as the best of everybody is a girl. That’s why winning matters a lot to me. I win over 90% of my games, but with every loss, I feel like I am letting all the girls down.

I’m not a feminist. In fact, I am very much in favor of women staying home to care for their children, being submissive to their husbands, and letting boys carry their heavy loads. However, I don’t want any men out there to think that women are less smart than them. And that’s why I thoroughly enjoy outsmarting boys, whether in the classroom, in everyday life, or in a game of chess. However, due to the predominance of stereotypes, I will probably be seen as the exception rather than the rule. If one of the girls in the DLC proved to be an expert in solving computer glitches, I know that I would view her as an exception. However, if a whole slew of competent girls began working down there, my opinion would change. So girls, let’s all sharpen our chess skills and change things together.
Jessica 9:43 PM


I'll be glad to help you become a better chess player . . . by beating you. :)
I always knew there was a reason that you were bad at math! If you want to win a chess game you can play me though. I play like a girl. You should do a list of the best stereotypes...
Koreans are funny
(you can tell Jun I said that)

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