Saturday, May 23, 2009
A Weekend at the Lake
This weekend, a group of us went to Lake Manitou. About 15 girls and guys from Purdue stayed in one small condo and spent two days boating, jet skiing, swimming, tubing, water skiing, and fishing. If one of my friends from school had told me about this fun trip, I would immediately have imagined a weekend full of drunkenness and fornication. But, when one of my friends from church invited us all out the lake for the weekend, such things were the exact opposite of what I expected. I knew that as a group of Christians whose biggest desire is to glorify God in all that we do, our weekend at the lake would include God-centered conversations, Christian love, good clean fun, and separate sleeping arrangements for boys and girls.
Of course I was right. We have done this before. But, I just began to think about how the things that we do (Thursday night parties, weekends at the lake, etc.) are not that different from what other Purdue students do. But, whatever we do, we do for God. We are trying to build each other up, instead of bringing each other down into further sin, as many so-called friends do to each other.
I really am blessed to be a part of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Through church, I have made so many wonderful friends who I can always count on to put God first in whatever we do. There are so many people out there who do not have a strong church family and are not experiencing the love and support that we have every day! Praise God for giving me this wonderful loving church!
Jessica 9:22 PM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
How to Toast a Pop-Tart on a Stick
For the past few days, Rachel, Sara and I have been having a grand adventure cooking all of our food on a stick over a campfire in the dunes of Lake Michigan. Some things were quite easy, such as the marshmallows and hot dogs, but other things required a great deal of skill. Here is how to toast a Pop-Tart on a stick:
Next, you put the Pop-Tart on the stick and toast it over the fire:
First, you must select a forked stick.
Jessica 3:08 PM