Saturday, June 30, 2007
isn't one of my hobbies. In fact, I've never even tried it. Therefore, it came as quite a surprise yesterday when I received a membership kit in the mail from the BASS Club, a club devoted to bass fishing. Upon opening the large envelope, I found several decals and stickers with the BASS logo, my membership card, and a couple of other things. As I began reading the enclosed letter, I quickly decided that it was scam. The letter began by thanking me for my payment (I had certainly not sent them any money!) and suggested that I extend my membership by another year for only $12. However, as I continued reading, BASS assured me that even if I didn't extend my membership now, I would receive full membership benefits for the upcoming year, including a subscription to their monthly magazine, Bassmaster. Suddenly I remembered that Bassmaster was one of the magazines that I had purchased with my frequent flier miles (as explained in a previous post). However, I had been expecting it to be about playing bass guitar. Of course the idea that the magazine was about fish had briefly occupied my mind, but I honestly didn't expect anyone to publish a whole magazine about bass fishing. Guess I was wrong. :-S
Jessica 5:40 PM
Oh Jessica. This post had each of us laughing so much we all asked each other, "Did you see Jessica's post about Bassmaster?" Your inner blondeness is just so hysterical sometimes.
Somewhat relatedly, guess what I did yesterday?
, at Somewhat relatedly, guess what I did yesterday?
you went fishing?