Thursday, November 30, 2006
So tonight I was in my bedroom working on art projects as I usually do on Thursday nights. The only odd thing was that tonight was not a Thursday night. I (being quite assiduous) was getting a head start on my art because this project is especially complex and time-consuming.
So, as I was carefully drawing a fine line with my black pen, I heard a THUD. It sounded like a bird hitting the window; however, no bird would have hit my window because my blinds were drawn. I thought nothing of it, until the second THUD occurred. At this point, I determined that my often drunk neighbors were throwing objects at the building and would soon stop. By the third THUD, I got up to investigate. Lo and behold, there was a boy below my window. He wanted my sister. I obliged and returned to my artwork.
So, as I was carefully drawing a fine line with my black pen, I heard a THUD. It sounded like a bird hitting the window; however, no bird would have hit my window because my blinds were drawn. I thought nothing of it, until the second THUD occurred. At this point, I determined that my often drunk neighbors were throwing objects at the building and would soon stop. By the third THUD, I got up to investigate. Lo and behold, there was a boy below my window. He wanted my sister. I obliged and returned to my artwork.
Jessica 12:47 AM

Monday, November 20, 2006
Another Ambitious Undertaking
I have embarked upon yet another ambitious undertaking. This one is even more operose: I have decided to do a double major. As much as I enjoy graphic design, I want to do more drawing and painting. Therefore, I have resolved to get a major in fine arts in addition to my current major of VCD. This will result in a rather difficile workload, however. This spring, I will be taking 19 credit hours, which shall be a declivitous increase from this semester's 15 credit hours.
Jessica 10:46 AM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This is one of my favorite Cubism pieces. For those of you dear readers who are not especially well-versed in art, Cubism is based on the idea that "the essence of objects can only be captured by showing it from multiple points of view simultaneously," according to the ever-useful internet. Because this is my blog, and not a paper for school, I shall not bother with the mundane work of properly citing the website.
Notice the expertly placed directional lines that draw the eye into the composition. According to my favorite TA, Nien Hsieh, good compositions draw the eye in and keep it there, whereas bad compositions draw you in for a second or two, and then you go out to have a beer and never come back.
Also, notice the color scheme of this beautiful work of art. Brown, black, grey, and white. Due to these all being rather subfusc colors, it is surprising that the artist was able to create such an aesthetically pleasing work that is not at all dull. Of course this is due in part to the brown being of a very warm hue.
I hope you all now have a deeper appreciation for this work of art. And I apologize for sounding so much like a lecturer. I felt the need to properly eulogize this amazing work of art after discovering that some people I live with do not fully appreciate its aesthetic qualities.
Jessica 10:19 AM

Monday, November 06, 2006
A Problem
Every week college students across the nation bust their brains out Monday through Friday studying and doing homework. The natural corollary of this soporific cycle is a universal day of slumbering come Saturday. The archetypical student is seldom out of bed before noon on Saturday.
Sleeping in on Saturdays in itself is innocuous; however it can have detrimental effects on the subsequent day of the week. According to Deuteronomy 5:13-14, the Sabbath is a day of rest. God commands us to work for six days and rest of the seventh. However, with Saturday preceding Sunday, this is exigent for college students to accomplish. By the time Sunday evening comes about, most of us inadvertently end up doing homework. This is a deplorable way to end the Sabbath.
My initial solution to this quandary was simply to switch Saturday and Sunday on the calendar. A quick call to all the calendar manufacturers, as well as the makers of the Mortar Boardâ„¢ would easily restore the Sabbath to its original intent.
However, on second thought, I found this to be slightly unfeasible. It could also result in widespread befuddlement. Due to this possibility, I shall now present a better solution. All universities who have any respect for God's apodictic will should move class days from Monday through Friday to Tuesday through Saturday. This will allow students to rest on the Sabbath and still manage to complete all assignments as the weekend draws to a close on Monday night. My dear readers, write to your university's president today and initiate some changes for the glory of God!
Sleeping in on Saturdays in itself is innocuous; however it can have detrimental effects on the subsequent day of the week. According to Deuteronomy 5:13-14, the Sabbath is a day of rest. God commands us to work for six days and rest of the seventh. However, with Saturday preceding Sunday, this is exigent for college students to accomplish. By the time Sunday evening comes about, most of us inadvertently end up doing homework. This is a deplorable way to end the Sabbath.
My initial solution to this quandary was simply to switch Saturday and Sunday on the calendar. A quick call to all the calendar manufacturers, as well as the makers of the Mortar Boardâ„¢ would easily restore the Sabbath to its original intent.
However, on second thought, I found this to be slightly unfeasible. It could also result in widespread befuddlement. Due to this possibility, I shall now present a better solution. All universities who have any respect for God's apodictic will should move class days from Monday through Friday to Tuesday through Saturday. This will allow students to rest on the Sabbath and still manage to complete all assignments as the weekend draws to a close on Monday night. My dear readers, write to your university's president today and initiate some changes for the glory of God!
Jessica 1:28 PM

Saturday, November 04, 2006
This is A Very Long Post
This morning I woke up (at about eleven) from a nice long twelve-hour sleep on the couch downstairs. Then I had pancakes that Kara had made while Kara told me about all the things I had missed while sleeping:
As my disclaimer, I do not usually sleep this much. I was merely recovering from two almost-all-nighters in a row.
After eating my pancakes, I started writing a blog entry. Then Kara read it and said "You should write stories about your all-nighters instead of your all-sleepers. Those are funnier."
I said nothing, but I thought, "but I just spent twenty minutes typing this up!"
Kara did not reply, so then I thought, "well, I guess I could add more to the bottom of this post..."
Kara still voiced no opinion (I guess her mind reading abilities don't go beyond being able to tell my facial expressions across AIM).
Then I thought, "well, someone please tell me if this post is getting too long!"
Then Kara smiled and went down to the basement to sing and play the guitar, obviously unaware that I was thinking at her.
Then I thought, "well, I'll post about my all-nighters as well, and then my dear readers can comment about whether all-nighters or all-sleepers are more fun to read about and whether this post is too long or not."
I then concluded my conversation with myself and began to type the following:
On Wednesday night, I went into the studio after Bible study to work on my 113 object study, which was of my lovely punk rocker boot portrayed on the Shingle Paradise post about footwear. I know this totally gives the answer away, but I think everyone has already guessed. After working for some time, I went down to the first floor of Pao to get food from the vending machine. As I was conteplating whether to get Reese's cups or something other than Reese's cups, someone said "Jessica". I then turned around to see the Amazing Ross Cerbus, who was also getting a midnight snack. He asked me what I was working on tonight, so I told him I was working on the 113 object study and asked him what he was working on. Ross replied that he was working on a 106 project and took me to his studio to show me. It was really cool. (For you non-art majors, 106 is 3D design.) I then went back up to my studio to finish my object study. A little past two, Ross came up and said he was leaving. Shortly after he left, I did the same because I had forgotten my cutting mat (which I needed for my mixed media piece). After a wonderful three hours of sleep, I went back into the studio where I remained until class at 2:30 (besides a one-hour break for stat 113 lecture and another one hour break for Span 101 computer lab). I finished the last of my three pictures exactly twenty minutes before class. I used those twenty minutes to go get a snack, which quite sadly was the first thing that I had eaten since my midnight snack the night before because I had been too pressed for time to eat that morning. I shall post pictures of my object study when I get them back from my TA. In the mean time, if anyone would like to see them, they are on the wall on the third floor. To make them easier to find, one is purple, one is orange and yellow, and the last one is blue. (Actually, the blue one goes first; they put them up in the wrong order.) If anyone actually ventures over to Pao, I would give you an Official Commendation of Awesomeness, except only Nathan is entitled to give those out, so instead you are invited over for a delectable dinner of... PASTA!!!! Mmmmmmmm!
- The rest of the movie Pride and Prejudice
- Sara coming home from dancing and watching the movie with us. (I don't see how I could have missed this, but I don't recall it whatsoever)
- Andrew coming over
- Christie leaving
- The girls all telling me to go upstairs to bed. Supposedly, I replied something along the lines of "I will," but I have no recollection of the conversation whatsoever.
- All the residents of Shingle Paradise (besides me) going to bed
- Supposedly, Kara playing load music this morning. However, I didn't wake up, so I'm not entirely certain that this one actually happened
- Mia leaving for work at nine.
As my disclaimer, I do not usually sleep this much. I was merely recovering from two almost-all-nighters in a row.
After eating my pancakes, I started writing a blog entry. Then Kara read it and said "You should write stories about your all-nighters instead of your all-sleepers. Those are funnier."
I said nothing, but I thought, "but I just spent twenty minutes typing this up!"
Kara did not reply, so then I thought, "well, I guess I could add more to the bottom of this post..."
Kara still voiced no opinion (I guess her mind reading abilities don't go beyond being able to tell my facial expressions across AIM).
Then I thought, "well, someone please tell me if this post is getting too long!"
Then Kara smiled and went down to the basement to sing and play the guitar, obviously unaware that I was thinking at her.
Then I thought, "well, I'll post about my all-nighters as well, and then my dear readers can comment about whether all-nighters or all-sleepers are more fun to read about and whether this post is too long or not."
I then concluded my conversation with myself and began to type the following:
On Wednesday night, I went into the studio after Bible study to work on my 113 object study, which was of my lovely punk rocker boot portrayed on the Shingle Paradise post about footwear. I know this totally gives the answer away, but I think everyone has already guessed. After working for some time, I went down to the first floor of Pao to get food from the vending machine. As I was conteplating whether to get Reese's cups or something other than Reese's cups, someone said "Jessica". I then turned around to see the Amazing Ross Cerbus, who was also getting a midnight snack. He asked me what I was working on tonight, so I told him I was working on the 113 object study and asked him what he was working on. Ross replied that he was working on a 106 project and took me to his studio to show me. It was really cool. (For you non-art majors, 106 is 3D design.) I then went back up to my studio to finish my object study. A little past two, Ross came up and said he was leaving. Shortly after he left, I did the same because I had forgotten my cutting mat (which I needed for my mixed media piece). After a wonderful three hours of sleep, I went back into the studio where I remained until class at 2:30 (besides a one-hour break for stat 113 lecture and another one hour break for Span 101 computer lab). I finished the last of my three pictures exactly twenty minutes before class. I used those twenty minutes to go get a snack, which quite sadly was the first thing that I had eaten since my midnight snack the night before because I had been too pressed for time to eat that morning. I shall post pictures of my object study when I get them back from my TA. In the mean time, if anyone would like to see them, they are on the wall on the third floor. To make them easier to find, one is purple, one is orange and yellow, and the last one is blue. (Actually, the blue one goes first; they put them up in the wrong order.) If anyone actually ventures over to Pao, I would give you an Official Commendation of Awesomeness, except only Nathan is entitled to give those out, so instead you are invited over for a delectable dinner of... PASTA!!!! Mmmmmmmm!
Jessica 11:38 AM