Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Invertía en el stock markito
In Spanish class today, we had to finish the sentence "Con un millón de dolares yo..." (If I had a million dollars, I...), and one of the guys said he would invest in the "stock markito". My TA, slightly exasperated at the young man's ignorance (the correct word is "la bolsa"), said "Why does everyone think they can put -ito at the end of a word to make it Spanish?" We all laughed knowingly because everyone who has ever taken Spanish (and some people who haven't) are guilty of speaking "Spanglish". And, making up words is fun :-). Then my TA told us that is Spanish-speaking countries, they make words "American" by adding -tion to the end. Isn't that interesting? We don't have that many -tion words, but it is an ending that is unique to English. (I think. Does anyone know of any other countries that use that suffix?)
Jessica 1:26 PM

Monday, March 19, 2007
So, this is kind of an update just for the sake of updating. Pathetic, I know, but I don't really have much to say. I had been planning on writing about all of my exciting spring break adventures, but, unfortunately, spring break wasn't all that exciting.
Chicago was fun, though. My group went to the Lego store, walked around downtown, went to Navy Pier, and then met everyone else at the pizza place for dinner. After dinner, we met the people we were staying with. I spent the night at Naomi's house. She was awesome. She had baked cookies and pies for us, and she was really fun to talk to.
After church on Sunday morning, we headed back to W. Laf. Josh kindly drove Sara and me to our parents' house in Indy, where I spent the rest of break, which was disappointing because I had planned to spend the last weekend at the Wegeners'. I had been looking forward to playing Sorry! and Candy Land with Faith and Amanda, and reading exciting books with Paul and Ben, and jumping on the trampoline with all of them, and sheering Kara's lovely goats, but, alas, I had to work on Saturday. And that foiled my exciting plans.
But at least I made some $$$.
And when Kara returned to Paradise on Sunday night, she brought a lovely loaf of delicious bread baked by none other than Mrs. Johnson. We were all quite stoked upon its arrival. Oh, and we were pretty stoked to see Kara too.
And, to make up for this boring post, here is... (dum dum dum) a statue by Picasso!!! This lovely piece stands at E Washington St and S Dearborn St in Chicago. (Dang, we could have seen it!)
Interestingly, the great Picasso never set foot in Chicago. This statue, which stands at a magnificant 50+ feet, was built from a 42 inch model.
So, what is it, folks? A horse? A lion? An ex-girlfriend (my personal guess)?
Chicago was fun, though. My group went to the Lego store, walked around downtown, went to Navy Pier, and then met everyone else at the pizza place for dinner. After dinner, we met the people we were staying with. I spent the night at Naomi's house. She was awesome. She had baked cookies and pies for us, and she was really fun to talk to.
After church on Sunday morning, we headed back to W. Laf. Josh kindly drove Sara and me to our parents' house in Indy, where I spent the rest of break, which was disappointing because I had planned to spend the last weekend at the Wegeners'. I had been looking forward to playing Sorry! and Candy Land with Faith and Amanda, and reading exciting books with Paul and Ben, and jumping on the trampoline with all of them, and sheering Kara's lovely goats, but, alas, I had to work on Saturday. And that foiled my exciting plans.
But at least I made some $$$.
And when Kara returned to Paradise on Sunday night, she brought a lovely loaf of delicious bread baked by none other than Mrs. Johnson. We were all quite stoked upon its arrival. Oh, and we were pretty stoked to see Kara too.
And, to make up for this boring post, here is... (dum dum dum) a statue by Picasso!!! This lovely piece stands at E Washington St and S Dearborn St in Chicago. (Dang, we could have seen it!)
Interestingly, the great Picasso never set foot in Chicago. This statue, which stands at a magnificant 50+ feet, was built from a 42 inch model.

Jessica 1:36 PM

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Kara's successor
Last night I went to PurdueCORPS, and a bunch of high school kids from Gethsemane Challenge were there. Pastor Johnson from 2nd RP in Indy was there too. After the rally (which was really good, btw), I talked to Pastor Johnson briefly. He asked me how school was going, and I replied that it was frickin' awesome (in more sedate terms, of course). He then asked me what year in school I was, and I replied that I was but a freshman. He seemed mildly surprised, and mentioned that I looked older than that. As I don't generally receive such comments, I was rendered speechless and merely shrugged my shoulders. However, I later realized that he must have thought that I was one of the Gethsemane Challenge kids and that I meant that I was a high school freshman =). Lol. I guess someone has to replace Kara as "the youngest-looking co-ed on campus" since she's graduating.
Jessica 5:19 PM

Friday, March 02, 2007
Jessica's Happy Day
Today, my dear readers, I have decided to give you a glimpse into the happy life of a Purdue freshman art student. This post is especially geared towards high school seniors who have not yet made a commitment to the happiest school in the state, and to students at other schools who are unaware of why they are unhappy (because you're at the wrong school, doofus!) and finally, to my many depressed friends who are not in a happy art major.
Jessica awoke to the happy sound of her alarm clock. This sound would have been unhappy anywhere else, but alas, to our heroine, it beckoned the arrival of a new day full of happy classes at a happy school.
Jessica arose happily, and wrote a short paper for English 106. Upon its completion, Jessica noticed that she was short on time and packed breakfast instead of taking the time to eat something before rushing out the door.
After turning in her brief paper to her TA, Jessica went to the Purdue Memorial Union, where she combined what she had packed for breakfast: a jar of honey nut cheerios and a jar of milk. During the happy meal, Jessica talked to her dear mother on the phone. Mrs. Young sounded slightly bummed that she had not studied art in her own college days, but was comforted by Jessica's assurance that she would get to see our heroine over spring break.
After breakfast, Jessica went to a computer lab, where she filled out a survey on SSINFO about how awesome her school was. Jessica was happy to click "5" (on a 1 to 5 scale) on most categories. Had she been a student anywhere else, fate might not have handed her that happy opportunity.
Shortly thereafter, Jessica went to EE and sat through Professor Parrish's exciting art history lecture. During the delightful lecture, Jessica was thankful that she had the opportunity to learn so much from such an amazing professor. Amazing professors flock to amazing schools.
After the lecture, our heroine headed home. On a normal Friday, she would have gone to A&D 106 (the most EXCITING class she has ever taken!!) but her TA had cancelled class this Friday. While slightly bummed to miss out on the exciting class, our heroine was glad to go home and have a happy lunch with her happy sister.
Jessica and her sister biked back to school together after their happy meal. They were sad to part at Grant and Sylvia (Sara's class was in Heavilon, whereas our heroine's class was in Stanley Coulter), but their bummedness was lessened at the happy prospects of class.
After Jessica's exciting class, she checked her facebook and email in a computer lab. She was stoked that Purdue has such awesome computer labs, some of which are open 24 hours a day. If she attended a lesser school, she would not be so privileged. However, she shall not name any of the 'lesser schools' because she has a strong conviction against slander.
Then, Jessica biked home while the Bell Tower chimed happily.
Now, Jessica is at home in her happy kitchen with her happy roommates. Life couldn't be happier.
Now, to those of you not currently at Purdue, my life might sound unfathomably awesome. However, this day was in no way extraordinary. In fact, it was actually a less fun day than the average day of a Purdue art student. However, I didn't want to bowl you over with jealousy or cause you to quit on your own school midsemester because Purdue is so much more awesome, so therefore I decided to post about one of my least amazing days. Also, for the young high school students who read this post, I didn't want you to get dissatisfied and restless with your own situations and allow your grades to drop. I'm sure you all know you need to study hard and get good grades so you can get into Purdue!
Moral of the story: Study hard and get good grades so you can come here and share in the bliss!
Jessica awoke to the happy sound of her alarm clock. This sound would have been unhappy anywhere else, but alas, to our heroine, it beckoned the arrival of a new day full of happy classes at a happy school.
Jessica arose happily, and wrote a short paper for English 106. Upon its completion, Jessica noticed that she was short on time and packed breakfast instead of taking the time to eat something before rushing out the door.
After turning in her brief paper to her TA, Jessica went to the Purdue Memorial Union, where she combined what she had packed for breakfast: a jar of honey nut cheerios and a jar of milk. During the happy meal, Jessica talked to her dear mother on the phone. Mrs. Young sounded slightly bummed that she had not studied art in her own college days, but was comforted by Jessica's assurance that she would get to see our heroine over spring break.
After breakfast, Jessica went to a computer lab, where she filled out a survey on SSINFO about how awesome her school was. Jessica was happy to click "5" (on a 1 to 5 scale) on most categories. Had she been a student anywhere else, fate might not have handed her that happy opportunity.
Shortly thereafter, Jessica went to EE and sat through Professor Parrish's exciting art history lecture. During the delightful lecture, Jessica was thankful that she had the opportunity to learn so much from such an amazing professor. Amazing professors flock to amazing schools.
After the lecture, our heroine headed home. On a normal Friday, she would have gone to A&D 106 (the most EXCITING class she has ever taken!!) but her TA had cancelled class this Friday. While slightly bummed to miss out on the exciting class, our heroine was glad to go home and have a happy lunch with her happy sister.
Jessica and her sister biked back to school together after their happy meal. They were sad to part at Grant and Sylvia (Sara's class was in Heavilon, whereas our heroine's class was in Stanley Coulter), but their bummedness was lessened at the happy prospects of class.
After Jessica's exciting class, she checked her facebook and email in a computer lab. She was stoked that Purdue has such awesome computer labs, some of which are open 24 hours a day. If she attended a lesser school, she would not be so privileged. However, she shall not name any of the 'lesser schools' because she has a strong conviction against slander.
Then, Jessica biked home while the Bell Tower chimed happily.
Now, Jessica is at home in her happy kitchen with her happy roommates. Life couldn't be happier.
Now, to those of you not currently at Purdue, my life might sound unfathomably awesome. However, this day was in no way extraordinary. In fact, it was actually a less fun day than the average day of a Purdue art student. However, I didn't want to bowl you over with jealousy or cause you to quit on your own school midsemester because Purdue is so much more awesome, so therefore I decided to post about one of my least amazing days. Also, for the young high school students who read this post, I didn't want you to get dissatisfied and restless with your own situations and allow your grades to drop. I'm sure you all know you need to study hard and get good grades so you can get into Purdue!
Moral of the story: Study hard and get good grades so you can come here and share in the bliss!
Jessica 4:50 PM