Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Invaluable Things I Learn at School
Suddenly, I remembered all of Professora Assad's lessons from Spanish 101, and said "dos y media", and he understood immediately. All the people who think education is a waste for a future Cracker Barrel waitress are eminently mistaken, as I will no doubt encounter many more Spanish speakers at that fine restaurant. And, my dear readers, this is only one example as to why my education is exceedingly useful. I have also learned many invaluable lessons in Psychology 120, not to mention my many art classes. In fact, it was in A&D 105 that I learned the difference between supper and dinner, a fact that has been immensely useful. (Supper is that last meal of the day, whereas dinner is the largest meal of the day). And Ingrid Shults taught me to love drawing in A&D 113. The next semester, Professor Mahorney taught me to hate drawing in A&D 114. And Professor Parrish taught me all about chiaroscuro in A&D 227. Yes, my dear readers, education can be quite useful. Can you imagine going to an art gallery and not being able to put a name to Rembrandt's technique?
Dear readers, do you have any indispensable lessons you gleaned from your years in college that you would like to share?

Monday, November 19, 2007
"The Old Guitarist"

One interesting thing about this astounding masterpiece is the faint image of a woman beneath the painting. It seems that Picasso, like many other artists, reused the canvas of an old painting he was dissatisfied with. I encourage you all, dear readers, to explore this magnificent painting on your own at the Chicago Institute of art.
Here is a glimpse of the mysterious woman visible under the painting, so you will all know exactly what to look for should you ever encounter this gem in real life:In other news, tomorrow I am going to skip class for a non-righteous reason for the first time in my life! Applaud me, fellow slackers! Yes, my dear readers, yours truly is skipping her 4:30 power hour on Tuesday afternoon in order to start Thanksgiving break three hours earlier.

Saturday, November 17, 2007
A Reply
Thank you for your letter regarding your purchase of EDY’S Slow Churned® Cookie Dough Grand Light Ice Cream. We are committed to producing the highest quality products and direct feedback from our customers is very important in maintaining our standards.
In our manufacturing process, added ingredients are mixed into the product using a special feeder. Unfortunately, we are occasionally the victims of human and/or mechanical error. In this case, it appears that the cookie dough feeder was not operating properly; therefore, an insufficient amount was mixed into the product. I am truly sorry that this incident occurred and marred your enjoyment of our product.
Please accept the enclosed flavor list, coupons, and a gift certificate for one carton of any EDY’S ice Cream with our sincere apologies. I appreciate you calling this matter to our attention and hope that your next EDY’S experience will restore your confidence in the quality of our product.
Tiffany Trexler
Consumer Response Representative

Friday, November 16, 2007

P.S. Still no free ice cream. How long will it take? Maybe my customer satisfaction isn't high on their list of priorities right now since I'm still buying their ice cream. Oh dear...

Monday, November 12, 2007
On the way there, Aaron, Allen, Eleni, Sara, Rachel and I stopped at a farmers' market in what Aaron claims is the largest Amish-built barn ever. It's not hard to believe, as there were three accessible levels, plus at least one more that was blocked off. The interior was beautiful, with huge wooden beams holding everything together. We got lunch from some of the many little booths, many of which were operated by Amish people.
We spent close to two hours at the farmers market, and consequently were a little late to OY. Nonetheless, we all had an awesome time. To all of you who missed out, there might be another OY conference in March! Be there!
In other news, I have not yet received any coupon from Edy's for free ice cream in the mail. How long do you think it takes them to process complaints?